Albedo, Atmosphere Physics and Climate

Part C: Publications Board “Atmosphere Physics and Climate: An Alternative Approach

Beiträge auf Deutsch:

Thomas Allmendinger (Juni 2024): „Weshalb die Treibhaustheorie nicht stimmen kann“
Allmendinger, Mängel Treibhaustheorie.pdf

Thomas Allmendinger (März 2023): „Die wahre Ursache des Klimawandels und die Möglichkeiten seiner Bekämpfung“
Allmendinger Doku Klimawandel (Revision2).pdf

Thomas Allmendinger (April 2016): „Die Albedo: Ein wesentlicher Faktor bei der Klimafrage“
Alllmendinger Albedo 2016-04-02.pdf

Thomas Allmendinger, „Helle Dächer: Ein wesentlicher Schritt zur Klimaverbesserung”, umneubau Nr. 1 ∙ 2015, S. 34-35
Stichwörter: Albedo, Strahlungsabsorption, Mikroklima, Dachziegel, historische Bauten

Thomas Allmendinger, „Abklärungen zum Rückgang des Aletsch-Gletschers (Kanton VS)”, Erstellt am 5. Oktober 2012; Revidiert am 28. Juni 2013
Stichwörter: Gletscherschwund, Gletscherschmelze, Albedo, Cool Roofs, Temperaturverlauf Sitten / Sion, Bevölkerungsentwicklung Brig
Abklärungen zum Rückgang des Aletsch-Gletschers.pdf

Publications in English:

Allmendinger, T. (2023): The Real Origin of Climate Change and the Feasibilities of Its Mitigation. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 13, 353-384.
Keywords: IR-Absorption of Gases, Thermal Radiation of Gases, Solar Absorption Coefficient of Coloured Bodies, Temperature Measurements

Thomas Allmendinger (2018): „Recent Discoveries in Atmospheric Physics and their Conse­quences on Climate Mitigation“, Journal of Geology and Geoscience, Vol. 3(1): 2018, p. 1-18

Thomas Allmendinger (2018): „The Thermal Radiation of the Atmosphere and Its Role in the So-Called Greenhouse Effect”, April 2018, Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 8, 212-234;
doi: 10.4236/acs.2018.82014
Key words: IR (Infrared) Radiation of Gases, Thermal Radiation of the Atmosphere, Albedo, Solar Adsorption Coefficient. Radiation Equilibrium, Limiting Temperature

Thomas Allmendinger: „Measures at Buildings for Mitigating the Microclimate”, Environment Pollution and Climate Change, June 2017 (Citation: Thomas Allmendinger, Environ Pollut Climate Change 2017, 1:3)
Keywords: Albedo; Solar absorption coefficient; Warming-up rate; Surface texture; Weathering; Construction materials; Building dimension

Thomas Allmendinger (2017): „The Refutation of the Climate Greenhouse Theory and a Proposal for a Hopeful Alternative”, Environment Pollution and Climate Change, April 2017 (Citation: Thomas Allmendinger, Environ Pollut Climate Change 2017, 1:2)
Key words: Albedo; Measuring Methods; Stefan-Boltzmann Law, IR-absorption by gases

Thomas Allmendinger (2016): „The thermal behaviour of gases under the influence of infrared-radiation“, International Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol. 11(15), 16 August 2016, pp. 183-206; doi: 10.5897/IJPS2016.4500
Key words: Solar-tube, gas-temperature, radiation-absorption, radiation-emission, kinetic-gas-theory, near-infrared, carbon-dioxide

Thomas Allmendinger (2016): „The solar-reflective characterization of solid opaque materials”, International Journal of Science and Technology Educational Research, Vol. 7(1), June 2016, pp. 1-17; doi: 10.5897/IJSTER2015.0341
Key words: Albedo, radiation-absorption, heat-emission, Stefan-Boltzmann law, climate-modelling